Saturday, October 23, 2010


今週の土曜日に私は紀伊国屋の本のデパートへ行きました(near Bryant Park)。あそこはおもしろいです!わたしはカタカナのれいは勉強しました。Here are some of the examples of カタカナusage that I saw at 紀伊国屋:

1.) On signs for certain genres of books:

Here カタカナis used to indicate that this section is devoted to comics (コミック)。

In this example, we can see that カタカナis being used to represent the word "best sellers" in Japanese.

In both of these cases, it seems that カタカナis being used to write words that have retained their western pronunciations.

2.) In recipe books, カタカナis most often used to represent ingredients that are not native to Japanese cuisine. For example, in the photo below, it is used to write the word "bacon,"which is very much an ingredient common to Western cuisine.

3.)In the store's extensive Japanese ざっしsection, I found some examples of カタカナused in magazine titles. A good example of this is this cover for "BRAND JOY" magazine:

In this example, it seems that カタカナis being employed to emphasize the magazine's title.

4.) I also noticed that a lot of children's books used カタカナin their titles: 

5.) Finally, I also noted several different uses of カタカナin manual books, for example, in this origami book(see image below)、カタカナis used not only to denote the title of design "Bouquet Present プレゼンとのブケ、”but also within the directions of the design itself, most likely to denote the names of certain types of folds.

Anyways, I hope that these examples can illustrate the plethora of ways in which カタカナcan be used in everyday instances. If you get a chance, check out 紀伊国屋bookstore, located near Bryant Park at 42nd street in Midtown. It's pretty cool.


  1. こんにちは!TAのなかむらです。

  2. こんにちは Glendaさんの ブログは きれいですね。 わたしのは おもしろく ありません。I really like the way you picked out the various usages of Katakana. And you seem to be really good at using かんじ already??

  3. わたしも紀伊国屋bookstoreへいきました。紀伊国屋はおおきあいそしておもしろいです!紀伊国屋はなにをかいましたか?

  4. こんにちわ皆さん!

    私は紀伊国屋で買いませんでした。私は日本語の辞書おかうつもりでした(I had intended to buy a Japanese dictionary)。紀伊国屋で辞書は高いです。そして、いい辞書はわかりません(I don't yet know what dictionaries are the best).


  5. Jaewonさん、I have a bit of an advantage with the kanji because I know Chinese. Haha. It's sort of like cheating. ;p
