Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Week 4: Lessons 1-4

My goodness! Does anyone else feel like they're drowning?

In just a few weeks, we have learned a great deal of Japanese, and honestly, I'm having a hard time keeping things straight.

I am pretty confident with a lot of basic grammar such as:

etc...I feel like I'm pretty good with knowing when to use "の” vs ”は” vs ”も”。。。

And basic questions such as:

Other more complex forms, however, still require me to scramble around in either my memory banks (usually unsuccessful) or in my class notes in order to recall what order they should go in, or whether I am using the correct particle.

For example:
- Questions of what belongs to who:
ex: "Is this Tanaka-san's pencil?"....let's see (えと。。。)このえんぴつは、たなかさんのえんぴつですか?<-- is that right? I always feel like I'm missing an important verb in the second half of the question...
- Dropping the second subject in phrases where the subject is already stated (see above). Somehow, I always feel that I need the second subject in order to orient myself in the sentence.
ex: so the above question could also be stated: そのえんぴつは、たなかさんのですか?<--is that correct??
- When to use これ、それ、and あれ...

Other topics that are giving me trouble:
-Numbers! Please comment if you are having a dickens of a time remembering how to say, write, or structure Japanese numerals! I need to create a support group or something...
- Telling time. Again... those pesky numbers.

Other than that, I am simply trying to stay afloat.

Also, I don't know if this is what was expected out of this "blog entry" homework assignment, but I figured I'd throw it out there.

Thanks for reading!


EDIT: I also feel that pretty soon, listening comprehension is going to be a problem for me...holla if you're with me on that.


  1. TAの おがたです。Wow! You seem to know a lot! Learning a new language is always difficult, but practice makes perfect! If you can find a way to learn as you have fun, such as watching movies in Japanese or listening to Japanese music, that might help.

    がんばって ください!

  2. I completely agree about the numbers. It seems easy for me to understand how those sounds would come out of the 3 + 1000 or 2 + 10 verbal equations (e.g. sound shifts due to the preceding sounds). This is a natural kinda thing to happen or so my study of linguistics would indicate, but that doesn't make it super easy to remember all of them--orally it's fine but the hiragana still take some thought and practice (which I could stand to do more of). And it doesn't mean that the truly irregular number forms for counting fit that at all! I am especially thinking about the days of the month!

  3. Don't give up!!! The numbers will come in time if you practice them. Take some flashcards and make random numbers on them and practice saying them. If you feel like you are having a problem with speaking, set up to meet someone every week and have a conversation in にほんご. It will have a positive impact on both you and the other speaker. Good Luck!

  4. おはよう!ガフニーです。ノトルダム だいがくの がくせい。 Based on your classmates' blogs it seems that your Japanese class is more intense then mine and I didn't think that could happen. Bonne Chance! (I also speak French =])

  5. こんいちは!わたしはときどうき actually am not staying afloat so I totally know what you mean about いつも baaaaarely keeping up with all the loose components (esp listening comp). (:

  6. Amen to the bit about numbers and telling time!
